Anime Stance Jojo Poses

Anime stance jojo poses. Jojo s pose japanese. Largely due to the overdramatic nature of the poses jojo s pose has been subject to parodies and imitations by the manga fans. A jojo s pose refers to when characters on jojo s bizarre adventure pose in a flamboyant manner.

It seems like every character has a unique. Jojo s bizarre adventure is full of aesthetic hallmarks that make it a unique and standout series and one of those are the poses that characters take. Animepose tiktokcompilation jojopose tiktoktrending.

Aug 5 2019 explore olga garcia s board jojo s poses on pinterest. The characters in this anime are drawn overly masculine with bulging muscles impossibly broad shoulders and crimson chin jawlines. This shrek mascot at universal was caught in a stance that looks like a jojo pose.